Meta has added the status update notes feature to the Messenger platform, which makes it possible to post text prompts that contacts see on Messenger, which can lead to enhanced opportunities for conversations and interaction.
The notes status update feature is a new chat Prompt option placed at the top of messages in the chat box, highlighting chat prompts from contacts.
Over the past year, meta has added Status Update features to WhatsApp and Instagram, and has now reached Messenger.
Users can now add text status updates that they can then reply to in the app, and those updates appear in the same row that also includes published stories and photos of contact accounts.
The notes status update feature has achieved surprising success across Instagram, especially among younger users, as meta reported last June that more than 100 million young people had posted status text updates in the previous three months, and young people also write status text updates at a rate of 10 times that of non-young users.
This high rate is the real driver of meta, as Facebook and Instagram have lost their relevance to younger audiences in recent years.
Text status updates within the Messenger platform expire after 24 hours, if they are not removed manually, and provide a quick prompt to get people talking.
Currently, business pages cannot publish text status updates, as this leads to flooding the user’s feed with promotions from every account he has sent before.