OpenAI announced Wednesday that its co-founder Sam Altman will return, as the company announced via its account on the X platform, “we have reached an initial agreement for Sam’s return as CEO with a new board of directors that includes Brett Taylor as chairman, Larry Summers and Adam D’angelo.
This comes days after 700 of the company’s 770 employees threatened to sign a letter threatening to leave the company if the board of directors refuses to reinstate its chairman Altman, who is pushing rapid development in the field of generative artificial intelligence in favor of profitable companies without analyzing the associated risks.
The OpenAI company, which created the chat program GPT ChatGPT, is facing problems after raising the issue of developing the uses of artificial intelligence by companies and institutions, without investigating the potential risks.
The company’s Board of directors accused Sam Altman of giving priority to the rapid development of OpenAI, without devoting time to analyzing the risks associated with this, according to American Media, which also quoted that among the risks posed by the development of generative artificial intelligence is the possibility of it being used for military purposes, for disinformation or becoming autonomous and attacking humans.
But in an article published by the information website, the founder of “Kosla ventures” contributing to OpenAI, Vinod Kosla, says, ” we got to this stage because people who love science fiction and journalists seeking excitement, inflated a number of small risks,” Vinod Kosla added, “It’s time to focus on the risks of artificial intelligence, but not to the point of slowing down its progress and depriving us of its benefits.
Events in recent days have highlighted the limitations of the OpenAI model, a non-profit startup company, speculated by investors in billions of dollars, placed under the control of a giant holding company for profit, and Carolina Milanesi from Creative Strategies asked Creative Strategies, “How can you remain a non-profit organization once you agree on amounts from parties such as Microsoft?””.
Microsoft has hired Sam Altman and former OpenAI officials who chose to leave the company, but one Microsoft official confirmed that CEO Satya Nadella has committed to hiring all OpenAI employees who decided to resign due to the failure of officials to leave their posts,”Microsoft said.
Microsoft, after cloud computing and artificial intelligence, took over the players in OpenAI without worrying about obtaining the approval of the relevant authorities, Milanesi commented on this acquisition, “if Microsoft had tried to buy OpenAI, it would not have received approval from competing companies.