The WhatsApp WhatsApp application recently took an important step to enhance user privacy by introducing a new security feature called Chat lock or Chat Lock, and it didn’t stop there, as the messaging giant is now testing an additional layer of protection known as the “PIN code” feature for locked conversations.
According to the “gizchina” website, WhatsApp is currently testing the new secret code PIN feature, which is now in the beta testing phase on Android, and is available to a select group of users only.
For users of the trial version of WhatsApp, who have updated to the latest version of the Android system, which bears the number, they will find a new feature under the Settings section, namely the “secret code”, which was added within the list of locked chats.
This section provides users with the ability to hide the entry point to access locked chats, by setting up a secret code for lock-protected chats, where users can hide the visibility of the entry pattern in the chat menu, alternatively, they can easily enter the secret code directly into the search bar in the Chats tab to access their locked conversations.
As for the new feature, the introduction of the “PIN code” feature not only adds a new dimension to user privacy on WhatsApp, but also ensures that the access point remains hidden from prying eyes unless the correct code is entered.this secret layer of security aims to provide users peace of mind by protecting their highly private conversations.
As for those who are worried about forgetting their PIN code, the app has also taken this scenario into account, as some beta testers now have the option to quickly clear the list of locked chats from their privacy settings, to provide security for those who may find themselves blocked from their secure conversations.
As of now, the secret Code PIN feature is available exclusively to a limited number of beta testers who have updated the beta version of WhatsApp for Android through the Google Play Store.
However, the good news is that the feature will reach a wider audience in the coming weeks, as WhatsApp prepares to make it accessible to a larger user base, and this latest move confirms WhatsApp’s commitment to remain at the forefront in terms of user privacy and security in the ever-evolving landscape of messaging applications.