Argentina’s public debt reached US$403.809 billion after adding US$4.977 billion in June, according to the Finance Ministry’s monthly debt bulletin.
Despite the alarming number, many experts suggest that it remains manageable and will eliminate default problems soon.
According to the official report, 72% of the debts are government bonds (in pesos and other currencies), 19% are debts to official foreign creditors, 4% are government bonds, and another 4% are temporary advances to the central bank.
According to the official report, 36% of the regular payment debt must be paid in local currency and the remaining 64% in foreign currency.
This represents a change in composition from last June, when it was 32% and 68%.
Meanwhile, Argentina’s debt-to-GDP ratio remained stable at around 85% during the first quarter, below a peak of 89.8% in 2019 and over 100% during the first year of Alberto Verne Aucindez’s administration.