Cryptocurrency prices rose during Wednesday’s trading, amid a decline in the total volume of 24-hour market trades, despite an increase in investment inflows to crypto asset exchange-traded funds around the world.
The price of bitcoin rose by 1.06% to 34149.67 dollars, Ethereum increased by 0.13% to 1780.05 dollars, while Ripple fell by 1.84% to 55 cents, and the volume of cryptocurrency trades within 24 hours decreased by 26.76%.
The data of “CoinMarketCap” showed the flow of more than 61 million dollars of capital entering the ETFs for digital assets last Monday.
Such a surge in investment flows of cryptocurrency funds supported by the price of bitcoin exceeding 35 thousand dollars comes amid the optimism of the markets that the approval of US regulators is approaching to launch special ETFs only for the currency that is larger in market capitalization.