One of the leaders of the Brazilian cotton industry said that Brazil is on the verge of becoming the largest exporter of cotton in the world, surpassing the United States, as the main production area of the United States, the state of Texas, is experiencing drought and heatwaves.
“If the US crop continues to decline, Brazil can easily replace the United States,”Gustavo Vigano, vice president of the Brazilian cotton producers association, said in press statements.
“The two countries are already equal in basic statistics . It is possible that Brazil will become the largest exporter in the world this season”.
Both the United States and Brazil are the world’s largest cotton exporters, accounting for more than half of the global supply. The United States is expected to export 12.5 million bales in the 2023-2024 season. However, due to the drought in Texas, the figure may see a decrease.
As a result, Brazil, whose exports are expected to reach 11.25 million bales this season, could become the world’s largest exporter.
Moreover, the quality of cotton in the United States has “not been at its best” in recent years due to drought, while Brazil has “very good quality” due to the rainfall pattern, according to Vigano.
The US cotton crop is only one notch above its worst-ever level, as about 40 percent of its production comes from drought-stricken areas, including almost all of Texas, which experienced the second hottest summer on record this year.
“Many (Brazilian) farmers would like to increase the area planted for cotton for next year, and since we cannot absorb all these supplies, we will export more,”Vigano explained.