Instead of having many tabs for Google services, the American company seeks to integrate them into one tab that uses artificial intelligence to handle emails, vacation plans, and other personal documents of the user.
Google wants to merge all the tabs into one tag on the user interface of the generative artificial intelligence platform “cool”, which quickly rivals the most famous Platform “chat-G”.P.T”.
The “cool” can be useful when making holiday plans, or filling out forms that are sent to the user via e-mail and other files saved on Google services such as Gmail and Google Cloud Computing Services, said Jack Krawczyk, director of Google.
He added that “Bard” can accomplish work that needs 20 minutes in just 20 seconds by helping to fill out various forms that the user receives via e-mail, searching for basic information and summarizing it, which is especially useful for parents at the beginning of the school year.
Another example of work that the Bard platform can do is to answer a request that says, For example: “find my resume titled 2023 on the cloud computing service drive and summarize it in a short personal paragraph”.
This function can also be more useful when planning holidays, “where you can ask Bard to select the appropriate dates for each person through emails, search for flight schedules and hotel information, then check the Google Map service to find out the routes to the airport and also watch videos via YouTube to find out what things can be done during the trip”.