WhatsApp has launched the channels feature, which is similar to the Instagram function, and this feature has undergone a successful trial trial in specific regions before being launched globally recently.
The company stressed that WhatsApp channels provide a special, uncomplicated and reliable way to receive important updates.
This comes while the distribution of updates across your channel reflects the way you usually use WhatsApp to communicate with friends and family, but there are noticeable differences.
Updates appear in a distinct tab within the app, different from your personal conversations and calls.
Although some features may evoke familiarity in WhatsApp conversations, channel updates act as a one-way broadcast instead of a conversation, as all updates are published exclusively from your channel, and followers will not be able to see your name or phone number.
And to get the service, you can Edit channel updates for up to 30 days after sharing them.
The modified channel updates will have the word “modified” next to the timestamp and will be displayed to everyone watching the channel.
Open the WhatsApp app and head to the Channels section
Now hover over the channel update you want to edit, then tap the drop icon and then tap Edit
After this edit your update
Finally, click on the checkmark when you’re done.
There is a time limit of 30 days for editing messages.
Editing a channel update will not send a notification to people who follow your channel.
And you can’t edit photos, videos, or other types of media.