The Filo del Sol project, nestled in the heart of the Atacama region of Chile, is poised to redefine the landscape of mining in South America. This ambitious venture, spearheaded by Canadian exploration titan Filo Mining, a proud member of the Lundin Group, is on the cusp of development as an open-pit mine with a focus on extracting copper, gold, and silver. The project’s recent leap forward came with an updated pre-feasibility study announced in February 2023, painting a vivid picture of a mining operation with a 13-year life expectancy and initial capital costs pegged at $1.8 billion.
Strategically located 140km southeast of Copiapo and straddling the border between Argentina and Chile, Filo del Sol sprawls over 13,575 hectares. It’s not just its size that makes it stand out; the project is underpinned by a high-sulphidation epithermal copper-gold-silver deposit connected to a significant porphyry copper-gold system within the Andean Frontal Mountain Range. With proven and probable reserves estimated at 259.6 million tonnes, laden with copper, gold, and silver, the potential of this venture is undeniable.
Innovative Techniques and Infrastructure Development at Filo del Sol
The mining strategy for Filo del Sol is as innovative as it is ambitious. Employing conventional open-pit methods with a life-of-mine strip ratio of 1.57:1, the operation will initially concentrate on the Filo pit before transitioning to the Tamberias pit. A standout feature of this project is its plan to incorporate autonomous haulage technology, a move expected to significantly boost productivity while simultaneously slashing operational costs.
The ore processing methodology is equally impressive. It involves crushing, screening, and heap leaching for copper extraction followed by solvent extraction and electrowinning to produce copper anodes. Gold and silver will not be left behind; they will be recovered through the Merrill Crowe zinc precipitation process after cyanide leaching.
Infrastructure development is another critical component of this venture. Plans include upgrading access roads, establishing a power transmission line connected to Chile’s national grid, sourcing water from local aquifers in Argentina, and constructing an accommodation camp for the workforce. The involvement of several reputable contractors such as Ausenco Engineering Canada, AGP Mining Consultants, SRK Consulting, Knight Piesold, Advantage Geoservices, and Merlin Geosciences in preparing the pre-feasibility study underscores the project’s promise and potential impact on Chile’s mining sector.