The Emirates “BEEAH” group announced the launch of the world’s first commercial waste hydrogen plant, in line with the UAE National Hydrogen Strategy 2050, which aims to establish the country’s position as a global Center for the production and export of low-emission hydrogen by 2031.
The UAE Group signed a joint development agreement with the British” Chinook hydrogen”, a company specializing in waste-to-energy technologies, and” airwater”, a Japanese company specializing in natural resources and conservation related businesses.
Green hydrogen occupies the throne of alternative energy solutions as it can be stored for long periods of time, but the cost of extracting and storing it and the economic feasibility of its applications remain the main obstacle to its spread, and hydrogen imposes itself on the climate change agenda in order to find effective solutions and technologies that facilitate the transition to a clean economy.
This cooperation comes in the wake of the exceptional achievements of the world’s first pilot plant to convert waste into excellent green hydrogen, which opened the latest in the British city of Nottingham within the framework of the tripartite alliance concluded between the environment group and the companies “Chinook hydrogen” and”airwater”, as part of the group’s efforts to support the efforts of the UAE to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
The pilot plant has achieved great achievements by adopting an effective practical solution that contributes to the production of excellent green hydrogen from waste without carbon emissions, as the plant converts various municipal solid waste, plastic and wood waste that is not recyclable, into green hydrogen cells connected to the Toyota Fuel Cell unit that generates energy from the produced hydrogen, similar to the fuel cell installed in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles such as: “Toyota Mirai”.
The plant employs the “rodix” technology, which includes the pyrolysis process, which was invented by Chinook hydrogen company following 23 years of research, development and improvement, which resulted in the establishment of 18 units for converting solids into gas, or what is known as the “gasification” process around the world, an innovative patented technology in the use of Active Thermal Decomposition of hydrogen, to treat a wide range of organic waste, including: Municipal solid waste, non-recyclable plastic waste, sewage sludge, biomass and wood, to produce what is known as “syngas” which is composed of hydrogen gases, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane.